Located in Antioquia, Colombia, between the two picturesque communities of La Ceja and La Union, Zion Flowers is a farm specializing in the distribution of hydrangeas in a variety of colors and sizes and the cultivation of flowers for over 15 years. They also export the most beautiful flowers to Miami and the rest of the United States, Canada, Europe, and Asia in a wide variety of kinds, quality levels, and forms.
By connecting them to new customers throughout our network, they were able to develop their customer base and sales exponentially. We introduced them to newly available business prospects and established connections with new farms located all over the world. As a result, they have been able to broaden their market and increase the variety of new items that they offer to their clientele. Additional possibilities to work together, such as participating in “The Bloom Together Afterparty,” have also been made available to them to help them gain more exposure for their business. We serve as a resource for them, helping them find the logistical and other solutions they need to get their business off the ground and keep it growing.